martes, 29 de junio de 2010

The end of the beginning

My end here is probably nearer than anyone's, so I'm taking this chance to say that I'm done here. Next year I want to start studying graphic design (but this term is going to be my last one here, anyway), also here in Universidad de Chile, which is my real passion and deepest wish...So I think that I have to write about this topic according to that little detail.

In 7 years from now, I hope that I have my title! But I can’t be completely sure about it. After that I want to travel and do some post-grade study, ideally in Europe.

I don't know very well my new career, but I would like to work in publicity area, a fashion magazine, or try to start an independent cool little design store. Any of the three would be nice. Also, I would love to work in a city like Paris, London or would be just perfect.

My ideal job would be an independent one, with me as my only boss...and maybe a partner. Working hours would depend on my hypothetical store's popularity, but I don't think that less than 6 or 7 hours a day, from Monday to Friday would be possible or profitable. Also I would need time to think and make the things I'm going to sell, as I'm going to design them too.

I don't expect a lot of money, only the necessary to have a good life; I prefer having good, interesting and well qualified people working with me in a comfortable and nice place, than being rich.

Despite I’m leaving public administration, I admire all my classmates (and hopefully brilliant future professionals) and deeply respect their area. I know that all of you you will be great!

sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Once upon a time...

I think that I’m a pretty good reader, or I least. Honestly, with university I don’t have much free time and I don’t read like I was used to when I was in school. It’s a pitty, really! Anyway, I still love reading...but novels! Of course I have a loooot to read, but for me it isn’t like “real” reading, is just studying.

I like reading because it helps me to disconnect myself of reality, visit other worlds and times. It’s like having my own time machine, just awesome.

Right now, I’m not really reading anything (but university stuff), but I kinda have on stand-by a novel from Anne Rice, called Lestat the Vampire. It’s about a vampire and his life... the novel is the second one of a saga called Vampire Chronicles, the first is Interview with the vampire, is quite famous, I has even a movie (which is not that bad).

My boyfriend also borrowed me Tokyo Blues (Norwegian Wood), by Haruki Murakami. It’s his favourite book and he think that I would like it too, so I will definitely give it a try.

My special book, of all times and no matter what, will be always Harry Potter. The whole story and characters just trapped me since the Philosopher’s Stone.

I don’t really think that paper books will dissapear, it would be terrible! It’s like killing the magic and the mystery that the book implies. Also, they are a lot of people that just can’t read of a screen much time. I hope that paper books never die...

To promote reading among young, old, and everyone; the State could say to the MINEDUC that just one book a month is nothing for kids! They should push them to read more.

In addition, of course they could try to lower the taxes of the books!!

Just the same

I think that public policies, mainly try to look for benefits for women, and only for them, when the real issue is not to privilege any gender, and search the real equality, instead of trying to give something to women and not to men.

The problem, in my opinion, is that public policies try to benefit each genbder, but in separate ways, not as a common wealth, which is the way that it should be.

About opportunities to take part in the decision-taking processes that will result in public policies, I think that the probem there is deeper. For me, neither of them, men and women, have enough part in that processes, so the whole current system, apart form gender issues, must be revised (and after that, include on it same opportunities for both genders, of course).

If we’ re speaking about reaching more egalitarian ACCESS to labour, health and education, I would dare to say that yes, we are...little by little, maybe, but yes we are. The problem here is the unequal possibilities of development after you have already accessed to the system. The classic example of salary differences and the companies that don’t allow women to ascend as much as a man does. I hope that it change as soon as possible.

I deeply wish for me, my classmates and other future colegues, to be able to help changing the inequalities that now exists in our society by having a straight thought that allow us to create public policies with justice.