I don't know very well my new career, but I would like to work in publicity area, a fashion magazine, or try to start an independent cool little design store. Any of the three would be nice. Also, I would love to work in a city like Paris, London or Milan...it would be just perfect.
My ideal job would be an independent one, with me as my only boss...and maybe a partner. Working hours would depend on my hypothetical store's popularity, but I don't think that less than 6 or 7 hours a day, from Monday to Friday would be possible or profitable. Also I would need time to think and make the things I'm going to sell, as I'm going to design them too.
I don't expect a lot of money, only the necessary to have a good life; I prefer having good, interesting and well qualified people working with me in a comfortable and nice place, than being rich.
Despite I’m leaving public administration, I admire all my classmates (and hopefully brilliant future professionals) and deeply respect their area. I know that all of you you will be great!